Q: Do you offer Certification?
A: Yes. RPM-Academy offers Certification. Details are available from the main (top) menu. Just click on Certification and learn more.
Q: How do I cancel my subscription?
A: You can cancel your subscription at anytime. To cancel, sign into your RPM-Academy Online profile, go to the main (top) menu, click on "My Payments" where you can print your invoices or cancel your subscription.
Q: Why does a fee appear on every course in the Course Catalog?
A: The fee is the monthly subscription that unlocks the entire library of courses... one subscription - all courses and certificates. Once subscribed, you will have access to ALL of the courses and certificates as they are included in your low monthly subscription fee.
Q: What courses are required to complete Lean Six Sigma or Agile Certification?
A: Information on Certification can be found by clicking on the Certification link on the main menu. To review the required courses for Certification, click on your name on the main menu when you are logged in and then select "My Files". You can review, download, and print "RPM-Certificate-LearningPaths.pdf".
Q: Are RPM-Academy Online courses eligible for ASQ RUs and CEUs??
A: Yes! You can download and review the most recent ASQ Recertification Journal at to determine the total RU for your certificate course (1.0 hour = 0.1 RU). The first page of our Lean Six Sigma/Agile Learning Path (catalogue) available in the "My files" section of this portal summarizes the RUs for each certificate. Source: https://asq.org/cert/recertification
Q: I understand that you also provide turnkey, customized, and branded portals (learning management systems) for other organizations. Where can I learn more about this?
A: RPM-Academy provides both corporate portals and portals for other training companies and partners. Please click on the following to learn more;
Global Partners: https://www.leansixsigmacoach.com/global-partner-program
Affiliate Program: https://www.leansixsigmacoach.com/affiliate
Corporate Portals: https://www.leansixsigmacoach.com/corporate-portal
Q: If I am experiencing technical difficulties or have questions... How do I contact RPM-Academy?
A: Click on "Messages" on the main menu. You will see replies/messages for you but you can also generate a message and send it to RPM-Academy. We will respond within one business day or sooner.