7.6 Human Resources → 2.02 Company Culture

The Role of Leadership Development in Creating Company Culture (CCU06)

Everyone needs to know how to lead now and again. Being able to step up as a leader and take action to get things done might seem intimidating. But doing so helps to create a company culture that’s respectful, nurturing, and based on shared goals. So, how can everyone in a company learn more about leadership to help build this kind of working environment?

That’s where leadership development comes in. Leadership development is simply the steps an organization takes to foster leadership skills. All employees benefit from leadership development because it teaches them how to act with confidence and self-assurance. The result is a better company culture, filled with employees who know how to handle problems, delegate tasks, and ask for help when they need it.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:

• Identify the areas in which leadership development could be leveraged to influence the culture within the organization you’re in
• Recognize the current weaknesses of leadership to be targeted
• Adopt behaviors to create a culture that nurtures leaders

Why take this course?

Leaders play a key role in creating and shaping an organization's culture, so leadership development is essential. For those working in HR, leadership, and development, and people management, this course will teach you where leadership development could be used in your workplace. It’ll also help you pinpoint weaknesses in your organization’s leadership and how they can be improved to create a culture that nurtures leaders.

10 mins | SCORM | Development Plan
  • The Role of Leadership Development in Creating Company Culture
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed