4.0 Six Sigma

Introduction to Six Sigma (S001)

This course provides an introduction to Six Sigma concepts, tools and methods and includes;

- What is “Six Sigma?
- History of Six Sigma
- The many meanings of sigma
- DPMO & the “Hidden Factory”
- Cost of Quality, DPMO and Sigma
- Voice of the customer, variation and Y = f(x)
- CT-Tree (“Critical to” flow down)
- DMAIC Methodology
- The importance of process control
- What is “Design for Six Sigma” (DFSS)

Estimated effort: 1 1/2 hours (including exercises, if applicable)

NOTE TO LEARNER: Due to the target website being updated, the link (URL) to an online "Sigma Calculator" is no longer valid. While there are many online tools to perform this calculation, please refer to your course files (scroll down) and use the MS-Excel workbook "S001-Sigma-DPMO Calculator.xlsx" to perform your discrete DPMO/Sigma calculations.

COURSE MATERIALS: Included in your course materials is a "workbook" that offers a 3-slide per page booklet that you can download and/or print for note taking. Additional templates and other required resources are also included your course files.

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE: You can assess your understanding of the topics presented in this course by completing the test at the end of the course.
  • S001-Introduction to Six Sigma
  • Six Sigma Interview with Jack Welch (former CEO General Electric)
  • Quick Quiz-S001
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed